Creative Data Studio

Call Center CX
with AI-Enhanced
User Journey Mapping


How we architected and designed Customer Experience For customer support center with AI-Powered User Journey Mapping.


User Journey Mapping (UJM) is a crucial tool in UX/CX improvement projects, offering insights into customer interactions with a company.

However, traditional UJM is static and inflexible, failing to represent dynamic and always changing customer needs and experiences.


Transform the static nature of UJM into a dynamic, real-time tool that could accurately reflect the evolving customer experiences in call centers.


We Architected an AI-powered automated User Journey Mapping tool specifically tailored for customer support centers.

This innovative solution was designed to process large volumes of daily text messages and call data, generating dynamic, real-time user journey maps.

Our approach

Academic Research & Interviews

We conducted extensive academic research on UJM use cases, coupled with interviews with 10 call center owners to understand their performance analysis methods.

The key discovery:​

There aren’t any tools currently measuring user satisfaction in support messages and calls. Such tools would be valuable for identifying and understanding user pain points at various stages of their journey in live events and in later analysis.

And there is a need for a tool to monitor dynamic changes in user preferences and experiences.

Data & AI AnalysiS

A data pipeline was established to get and process Customer support center data, including voice message and call transcriptions.

CustomiZable UJM Tool Development

A unique tool was created, allowing analysts to define their ideal user journey map structure and train the AI model on their specific datasets. This tool offers the flexibility to analyze both live and historical data.


CUstom UJM development and analysys tool that allows to train data specific to company’s specific data, terms, and customer language.

This customization enhances the accuracy and relevance of the generated user journey maps. resulting in an innovative tool that not only identifies and evaluates pain points across the customer journey but also enables prompt or future improvements to enhance overall customer experience.


This solution marks a significant leap in CX analysis, allowing companies with large user-generated data to automatically structure and evaluate customer experiences.

It transforms static user journey maps into dynamic, actionable insights, leading to more responsive and customer-centric business strategies.

We even wrote two academic publications on the topic

Gundars Kokins

The Role of Consumer and Customer Journeys in Customer Experience Driven and Open Innovation

Alberts Pumpurs

User Journey Map as a Method to Extrapolate User Experience Knowledge from User Generated Reviews

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